Authors are asked to send by email to, immediately after sending the camera-ready material, a SIGNED AUTHOR DECLARATION.
The below fees include publication of one paper, conference materials, coffee breaks, buffet lunches and official dinner. The fees do not include accommodation. For publication of an extra paper of an already registered author a 100 euro fee will be paid.
SIGAPP/ACM members: 250 EUR
Non-member: 300 EUR
Student SIGAPP/ACM members: 150 EUR (official dinner non-included)
Student non-member: 200 EUR (official dinner non-included)
ACM members must send to their ACM identification number/ proof their active ACM membership.
Students must send to a document proving their affiliation and their status.
A credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD) electronic payment on-line form, in the name of organizer:
Asociatia Inginerilor Electricieni si Electronisti din Romania (AIEER),
Address: Politehnica University of Bucharest Spl. Independenţei 313, EB 233, Sector 6, cod 060042
Tel: (0040-21) 4029144, Mobile: (+4)0722203459 (from 10:00-19:00 Monday to Friday, EET)
Fiscal Code: 18450210
Important notice: On the statement of the cardholder, the card transaction will appear with the name
Please use the links bellow, based on the type of fee you want to pay:
Bank transfers should be wired to the accounts below. Please do not forget to note "ECBS 2019" in the payment reference field and make sure that the transfer request shows the name of the participant and the paper(s) ID(s).
Bank Account:
CREDIT AGRICOLE BANK ROMANIA, Piata Alba Iulia Branch, Bucharest, Pta. Alba Iulia nr.7, bl.I6, parter
Phone: (004) 021 30 57 103, Fax : (004) 021 30 57 129
Account Holder: ASOC ING & ELECTR & ELECTRONISTI (AIEER) « Asociaţia Inginerilor Electricieni şi Electronişti din România »
Fiscal Code: 18450210
IBAN for Euro (€): RO51 BSEA 0050 0000 0043 1005
IBAN for Usd ($): RO11 BSEA 0050 0000 0053 5612
IBAN for Lei (RON): RO34 BSEA 0050 0000 0042 9080 *
Reference field: ECBS 2019 - Name of Participant (Paper ID(s) No.).
* Payments in local currency (Lei/RON) will be made at the conversion rate of the National Bank of Romania corresponding to the payment day.
Please send your registration information (ACM membership number/ proof, student affiliation) together with an attached scanned bank transfer receipt by e-mail to